Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Sheep

The Significance of the Title:
The significance of my chapter, "The Sheep," symbolizes the sheep that graze in fields until their shepherd leads them. In this chapter, it seems like all of the characters are the sheep and this war or the revolution is the shepherd. In which, in this certain situation, for example, Marji's friends were led to the United States because the revolution led them, like a shepherd. But also where as Marji's Uncle Anoosh was executed for what he did and his beliefs which led him to his death, similar to a shepherd leading a sheep to a new place. In this case, the revolution was the shepherd. Also, in literal terms, through the middle of the chapter, Marji's friends escaped across the border by disguising themselves with a flock of sheep.
In this chapter, you will find conversations of politics mixed with the emotions of lost loved ones. The discussions were about the political elections of who voted for the Islamic Republic and who did not. The statement Marji made was about what percentage of the people voted for the Islamic Republic, which made her father and her uncle realize that this election meant nothing but a bogus percentage of people who voted for the Islamic Republic. From the loss of loved ones, such as Mohsen and his sister, did Marji's parents realize another sequence of horrible events which affected their friends by their murder. Also, of the loss of Marji's Uncle Anoosh, does she realize her feelings for him and how much she really loved him until he was gone, or in this case taken from her, but he will remain in her heart forever. But also Marji's friend God, once God appears to talk, Marji remains angry, and takes her feelings out on God and that was the last time she saw him. By this loss, Marji is only left with the dear memories she has of her dear friends. Through this departure she finds more feelings through a friendship to realize that there were more feelings that just a friendship. Feelings that now can never be looked at, that can never be revised between the two of them, in which Marji will never know of what could have been more than just a friendship.
The characters that are involved with this chapter are Marji's parents, Marji, Uncle Anoosh, Marji's friends, Mohsen, Mohsen's sister, Deliverers of Divine Justice, and God.
The events that occurred in this chapter were the execution of Uncle Anoosh, the departure of Marji's friends for the United States, the loss of friends, and Marji's fight with God.
Humorous Parts:
Looking at the picture on page 70 on the bottom left corner, you can see in the image that Marji is upset and is angrily yelling, or shouting at God. It seems ironic how here she is talking to God, and she is telling him to shut up, and get out. I know that they may be close friends but I can't think of any of my friends that would say such things to God while having a conversation with him. This picture just represents irony by Marji's actions, and the characters involved in the picture.
The picture on page 71 where Marji is floating in space is significant because it represents her emotions of how she is handling everything that is going on in her life right now, and all that is to come. This photo by her blank eyes and face with her arms raised out to her sides signifies that she's alone, or even depressed, you may say. In my opinion, it seems that the picture is rather important in finding or thinking about who Marji is and how she handles the "speed bumps," you may call it in her life.

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